Monday, February 7, 2011

Google Earth: Big Brother Done Right?

       My first step to creating my final project was re-discovering the wonder that is Google Earth. I know that we have all heard dozens of stories of people being caught at their worst on street view cams, and for one robust English town they completely blocked the street from my now infamous Google Street cars.  There have been numerous buildings removed from the street view as the privacy complaints have steadily increased since the creation of the exciting technology in 2007.  However, as Google Street View has become very recognizable, Google Earth continues to become a more and more refined tool, flying quietly under the radar.  With the recent updates to Google Earth 6, the additions of truly incredible filters makes Google Earth a tool that must be re-visited and explored again.
       Let's begin with the GPS tracking of ocean animals. I will repeat that...GPS tracking of actual ocean animals.  Not only can you see the location, but I took a swim with one of the Fin Whales that was tagged and was able to see the path along the ocean floor that the whale took.  Incredible.  Don't trust the weather channel?  No problem.  Use the tracking of clouds and radar to see the weather coming before the 6:00 news will even mention it in passing.  Taking a human rights perspective, I dare you to click on the Darfur filter under Global Awareness and not be moved as the vast database that is Google Earth will show you villages that have been damaged and destroyed.
       The technology that goes into this vast database is only more impressive as Google encourages the users to contribute their ideas, their pictures and their dreams.  Always wanted to climb Mt. Fuji?  Race to the top of the Eiffel Tower?  With the 3-D models and recorded tours ready to take you there, slip on the bathrobe, you are on your way.  I could not be more excited about starting the LitTrip, HistoryTrip, whatever I can think up.  I am only worried that I will let the power that is Google Earth down.  Now if you can excuse me, I am going to go investigate every shipwreck that has ever been does that too.

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