Sunday, January 9, 2011

Nuclear Timeline Video

When I uncovered this video a months years ago, I was blown away.  The video itself is so simple, but has so much to say.  Certainly a little discouraging and dark, however the message is universal and should be heard by all nations, not just those responsible for over half of the detonated bombs *cough* USA *cough*.  The dream is that countries will stop worrying about "Assured Mutual Destruction" and starts focusing on dealing with the cornucopia of other issues that threaten our global community.  Irregardless I will begin to stockpile various canned goods, I want to believe...I do.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sometimes simple is the best way to communicate an idea.

    Just think of the discussions you could have with students after watching this video. Should we be proud of the fact that the U.S. leads the way in nuclear testing? Should we now be leaders towards disarmament of the world's nuclear weapons? It is our students who will soon have to make these decisions.
